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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221381-21
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946
Country: Nationalist China,Taiwan,USA
Location: Ellis Island,New York City,NYC,Taiwan
TC Begins: 12:20:17
TC Ends: 12:23:39
Duration: 00:03:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1946, USA: VIctims of Nazi Rule Welcomed. Title. 12:20:22 LS SS Marine Flasher w/ immigrants waving; view approaching dock; MS people on shipboard waving. People on dock waving from behind fence & guard. 12:20:35 CU people jostling, woman in flowered hat. People run across Ellis Island immigration hall & hug over fence. CUs, kissing, crying. 12:21:02 Woman & boy standing w/ arms out showing tattoos; MCU of two women w/ number tattoos. Family poses; women & children pose. Dark interior. Leader. Post-WW2 Jewish Refuges; Immigration; 12:21:33 Flash title. MS Chinese sailor raises flag; LS sailors at attention on board Nationalist China naval ship. MCU US & Chinese naval officers review Chinese sailors. US officer shakes hands w/ Chinese officer. MCU Chinese sailors at attention. 12:21:53 Chinese operate ship’s guns; tie knots; look at pinup girl w/ American sailor; play checkers w/ US sailor on deck & rolling dice. 12:22:25 Ship no. 260 past camera. Slug. Lend-Lease; Cold War; 12:22:33 Flash title: Plane Hits Wall Street Skyscraper. Airplane wreckage, wheel assembly & other parts amidst debris & destruction inside office building seen w/ spotlight, books on wall bookshelf. 12:23:01 Civilians & police carry wooden coffins to ambulance past photographers at night. 12:23:16 View up side of building & smoke. MCU exterior wall w/ hole & torn bricks & stone siding; pile of rubble & brick looking across harbor. Narrow street w/ debris on sidewalk. 12:23:36 Pedestrians past large piece of airplane on street. Aviation Accident; NOTE: Evening of 20May46 USAAF C-45 Beechcraft crashed during fog into northside of 40 Wall Street killing all five on board. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: