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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220723-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: France,Russia,Ukraine,USSR,Uzbekistan
Location: Le Havre,Leningrad,Moscow,Petersburg,Petrodvorets,St,Ukraine,UZBEKISTAN
TC Begins: 02:36:01
TC Ends: 02:42:06
Duration: 00:06:05
Post-WWII - 1946, USSR: Ukraine; Subway Construction; Restored Fountain; Ukraines Return Ukraine Collective farmers transporting grain in the rain to collection centers 02:36:58 Moscow Metro - construction workers underground. 02:38:26 Uzbekistan - Interior foundry scenes (Kuznetsk?) 02:39:10 The Fountains of Petrodvorets (Peterhof). St. Petersburg / Leningrad - Fountains & palace left in ruins since war. Fountains refurbished - crowds watching. 02:39:57 Home Again After Twenty Years. Ukrainian people boarding ship in France to return home after twenty years. Post-WW2 Russia Heavy Industry; Agriculture Harvest; 1940s; Rebuilding; Pre-Cold War; Robert Magidoff; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.