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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220447-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1947,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Fort Benning, Georgia
TC Begins: 14:27:33
TC Ends: 14:36:20
Duration: 00:08:47
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1947, US Army: Basic Airborne Training, 17Feb47, 04Mar47, 21Mar47 Slate: Camera, S. Swede 17Feb47 MLS Single parachute dropping to ground, man remains on ground & another runs out to collapse chute. 14:28:00 Slate. Camera ?. 21Mar47 Low Angle / LA Instructor speaking into microphone (MOS) from top of tower. Slate: illegible. CU loudspeakers on wooden towers. Officer speaking from tower. 14:29:17 LS many parachutes descending & landing. 14:30:42 LS of Fairchild C-82 Packet overhead & student / trainees jump, descending & landing. 14:31:48 LS of same / similar aircraft overhead & parachutes out, open & descending. 14:32:27 Single parachute followed to landing, falling on ground. MS others collapsing chutes, men hurry to gather chutes. MS of men out of harnesses & standing up to gather chutes. 14:34:22 Tilt down w/ single parachute landing. 14:34:31 Slate: Camera, Harry Kreider. 04Mar47, Single parachutes descending; multiples. 14:35:13 Slale: Camera Kreider. 17Feb47. MLS Many chutes on ground & men deflating & rolling / gathering. Post-WW2; Cold War (?); Fort Benning, Georgia; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: