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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250174-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948,1940s
Country: USA
Location: DC,Lamar,Missouri,Washington
TC Begins: 12:39:20
TC Ends: 12:48:34
Duration: 00:09:14
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1948, Politics, USA: Campaign Film - Truman Story, The Main titles. 12:39:27 25Apr45 Chief Justice Stone swears in President Truman as James Forrestal, Edward R. Stettinius & others lwatch. MCUs 12:39:46 Billboard: Lamar - Birthplace of President Truman. Lamar, Missouri main street; home. 12:40:05 Montage: still photos of WWI uniform & footage of WWI battle scenes. 12:40:28 Montage: Campaigs, reviews military parade, 1944 Democratic convention, w/ Roosevelt, FDR cortege, flag at half-staff over White House, SOF Truman speaks to Congress. 12:42:03 Montage: WW2 surrendering German soldiers; Times Square celebration; atomic bomb explosions at Los Alamos, Shigemitsu & MacArthur signing surrender;. 12;42:47 San Francisco United Nations meeting & SOF Truman speaking from Washington. 12:43:30 Montage: Waves over bow of battleship Missouri; Truman w/ crew after Rio Conference. 12:43:54 Montage: Truman shakes hands w/ neighbors in Independence & poses w/ his wife, Bess & daughter Margaret; takes a walk shaking hands, visits owner of men's store; street scenes & mother’s home; family poses & kisses his mother; poses w/ March of Dimes poster girl; marches in WWI parade w/ veteran friends of Battery D; shakes hands w/ veterans on the White House lawn. 12:45:49 Montage: Post-WW2 housing problems w/ aerials & ground shots of house trailers. Housing bill signing; home building / construction. Prices on egg display, meat, cheese, inflation. 12:46:33 Montage: Truman at desk; Taft-Hartley Labor Act (banner on car) vetoed. Episcopal Bishop Sherrill at desk (Civil Rights program); shaking hands w/ President Aleman of Mexico; receives a gift Torah from Israeli President Chaim Weizmann. 12:47:18 Montage: White House from across South Lawn; Truman & Secretary of State George Marshall look at globe; animated map showing “Red Tide” across eastern Europe; signs aid to Greece & Turkey w/ Marshall Program; food delivered. 12:47:57 High angle / HA crowd around limousines; interior w/ convention signs Truman & Barkley, speaking SOF “Peace my friends, is the goal of my public life; I’d rather have peace than be President of the United States.” White House; CU Truman. 12:48:34 The End. Government Propaganda; Election; 1940s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: