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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221356-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951,1950s
Country: France,USA
Location: AunAy,odon,sur
TC Begins: 20:13:15
TC Ends: 20:26:39
Duration: 00:13:24
Post-WWII - 1951, France Rebuilding Titles. 20:14:00 View across farmland, dairy cattle in pasture, tractor pulling binder; people pitching grain. River & small dam w/ fisherman beneath. Monument. Burial sites for British & American soldiers at Normandy. 20:14:54 Aunay - Caen bus w/ people walking alongside, others riding. Sign for Aunay & Vire, France. Road marker partially destroyed. Headstones partially destroyed 20:15:29 Bus pulling into village of temporary barrack village. High angle w/ rooftops. Market square & women shopping & selling at stalls. Horse carts, wagons, visiting, priest, well-dressed woman. Newly built wooden Church. Statue rescued from destroyed hospital. Mayor out of temporary town hall & walking thru market square. Various views of village & electrical wires, gardens. Woman washing windows. People along wide gravel walks. Kids playing on basketball court. 20:18:14 Bicycle racing around town streets w/ crowds on sidewalks. Signs for various hotels, restaurants. People outside Quonset hut movie theatre. Women walking w/ children, pushing babies in buggy, woman out of jewelry (Bijouterie) store. Laborers outside monastery turned into cheese factory. Man tasting camembert cheese wheels before packing. 20:19:32 Old woman greets another (narrator), women talking on street. Meat market w/ hanging sides of beef. Butcher shows customer meat. Women out of bakery w/ bread. More temporary population in village. Men talking. Mayor walking & looking at old destroyed town; new town under construction nearby. Hospital under construction supplied by Marshall Plan. 20:21:56 Old men sitting in sun talking. New schools under construction, men laying bricks, paving sidewalk, planting trees. Two men sawing stones, polishing; bricklayers & stone masons. Street signs, wide streets, stores ready to open w/ signs. Large church under construction in middle of town. CU statue of Norman chef. Cornerstone describing total destruction of Aunay-sur-Odon, 11-15Jun44. Views of buildings. 20:25:31 Nearly finished houses, boys, workers, cart. Man laying flowers at monument, policeman saluting, two children walking. Shots of village. The End. Post War Economy; European WW2 Recovery; Rebuilding; Economic Reconstruction; French; Economics; 1950s;