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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250035-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s,1945
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 20:15:18
TC Ends: 20:24:02
Duration: 00:08:44
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - Color, 1945, Germany: Aerials of Bomb Damage Over Unidentified Locations, 1945 Aerial over very large Prisoner Of War camp w/ large number streaming in. 20:15:58 Partial view over river, then undamaged factory & city suburbs. 20:16:16 Aerial over river from collapsed bridge, following railroad tracks along river & over hilltop. 20:16:47 Illegible slate. Aerial over land towards Remagen bridge remains w/ only center span cleared from water. Following over railroad to bridge. 20:17:36 Over leveled fields. Other views higher of river passing castle on hiIltop. 20:18:26 Low over heavily bombed buildings, people in streets. Leveled factory & railroad yards; crane remains; steel mill chimneys & heavily damaged standing buildings. Leveled land & railroad, over steel mill and following on to houses, standing church w/ end blown out. 20:19:53 Field of bomb craters, some w/ standing water, across railyards. 20:20:24 Slate: Lt. C.E. Nerrel. Wing camera. Aerial over heavy leveled destruction of city & factories; crater pocked land around standing but demolished heavy industry buildings. 20:21:11 Aerial following river w/ two collapsed steel bridges, small pontoon bridge. Lower pass over large steel collapsed bridge w/ pipeline or pedestrian bridge alongside, cratered field, across river to heavily damaged refinery or ??; low over buildings w/ only some walls & chimneys standing. Low over collapsed gas storage tanks & steel remaining of buildings. River. Along railroad tracks w/ remains of some trains. Post-WW2; Aftermath; Destroyed Infrastructure; Germany; Rhine River; POWs; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: