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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220410-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946
Country: Australia,Japan
Location: Otake
TC Begins: 01:20:18
TC Ends: 01:29:56
Duration: 00:09:38
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - Colour, 1946, Japan: Otake, Japanese Repatriation. ca 12Mar46 LS Japanese soldiers w/ bags off tugboat at landing & walking up gangway past camera. Battleship at anchor in harbor. Displaced Persons / civilians off landing barge & walk up gangplank. ANZAC / Australian soldier & priest accompanying DPs. Japanese aircraft carrier which brought the soldiers & civilians from the South Sea Island (?). LS aircraft carrier; destroyer "Yakumo" which brought civilians from Formosa. 01:21:41 MCU High angle / HA Japanese soldiers & civilians getting off a tugboat. Civilians & soldiers w/ bags board trucks, leaving. 01:22:40 Japanese soldiers marching towards the barrack area from docks. MS Group of Japanese civilians, young boy wearing face mask. Group of smiling women, children & men; aged, sick & infirm adults boarding trucks. 01:24:20 MS Japanese soldiers landing from boat coming toward camera. Soldiers marching in group many wearing masks. Troops lined up putting packs down on ground ready for the custom examination / searches. 01:25:56 Japanese soldiers in a group listening to instructions re getting out of army. 01.26.08 MS White clad Japanese girls / nurses (?) using pressure gun to spray DDT / delousing each soldier. Civilians undergo same treatment. 01:28:08 Japanese soldiers board train w/ large baggage on their backs. 01:28:20 CU Japanese Major General, Sixth Infantry Division posing smoking cigarette. 01:28:37 Flash Slate: Harry Mimura 12Mar46 CU Japanese Major General, 86th Infantry Division. 01:28:50 Flash Slate: same. CU S. Wakamatsu, Japanese Lt. Colonel, 36th Infantry Division. 01:29:03 Flash Slate: same. CU M. Ide, Japanese Major, 38th Infantry Division, Intendence Officer. 01:29:16 Flash Slate: same. CU H. Dairaku, Japanese Captain, 81st Infantry Brigade. 01:29:30 Flash Slate: same. CU M. Ishizaki, Japanese Superior Private, Machine Gun Company, 22nd Division. 01:29:42 Flash Slate: same. CU J. Morifugi, Colonel, 8th Army Engineer. Post-WW2 Returning Japanese Military; Otake Repatriation Center; Daily Life; Survivors; NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: