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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220445-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1949,1950s
Country: Japan
Location: Tokyo
TC Begins: 12:00:00
TC Ends: 12:09:48
Duration: 00:09:48
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - Japan, Occupation: 1000 Yen note production / printing. 13Dec49 - 11Jan50 Car pulling out of factory / mint building thru gates. MS & LA of buildings w/ some activity. 12:00:41 Slate: 11Jan50 Japanese Money, Tokyo Roll 1 CU shots three old Japanese yen notes. 100 yen turned over, 1000 yen note turned over. 12:00:59 Slate: 13Dec New Money, Tokyo Roll 3 Camera: Yamagami. CU each side of 1000 yen note. 12:01:24 Japanese women packing printed notes into bundles & wrapping & sealing. CU stack of bundles. 12:02:03 Slate: same, Roll 5. Men operating / watching printing presses & newly printed 1000 yen notes checked / inspected. Women checking sheets of notes before cutting. 12:02:50 Slate, same. Roll 4. Women carrying stacks of bundled notes to vault. Man operating shearing / cutting machine, cuts sheets of notes to size. CU operating foot pedals of cutter. MS Japanese man in suit counts fanned notes; hands bundle of notes to woman thru bank teller window who counts again. CU counting large stack of notes. 12:04:50 Slate, same. Roll 1 LS across floor & inking note paper & printing. CU machine & printing, inking, men wiping plates. 12:05:52 Large room full of Japanese women & various shots of counting money w/ supervisor watching. 12:06:56 Slate: 05Jan50 Over shoulder shot of artist / engraver working on 1000 yen note. MCU Various shots making & engraving plates. Using magnifying glass while engraving plate. Rubbing / polishing. Precision; Technology; Post-WW2; Artists; Inscribing; Allied Occupation; 1950s; Currency; Economics; Economy; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: