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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250022-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943
Country: China,India
Location: Southeast Asia
TC Begins: 18:11:35
TC Ends: 18:15:21
Duration: 00:03:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - Unid. French, American & ?? Military Parades & Tropical Training View along street w/ two-star plate on sedan past; European & Southeast Asia native onlookers lining sidewalk, pan crowd. 18:11:47 French, American, British & ?? military VIPs arrive at base of small monument. Military band in pith helmets passing, crowd watches from sidewalk, civilians & soldiers. French unit in tropical shorts & w/ sword passing; riflemen following. VIPs saluting. Various shots of various units. 18:12:47 LS across wide valley w/ many jeeps parading, led by jeep w/ large American flag. Americans driving but some accompanied by native Black men (New Guinea?). Jeep pull out & follow single file over rough ground, soldiers wearing flat helmets. 18:13:31 Enter thru small wooden fence breaking gate & over rough dirt road, some pulling artillery. Motorcycle troops park beside road & gesture jeeps past, along muddy stream, fording stream & setting up artillery by tropical palms. Men running w/ rifles thru water, across streams w/ jeeps fording. 18:14:59 Smoke flares set. WW2 Southeast Asian troop training; 1940s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate, may be combined w/ other complete short reels to total maximum 10 minutes.