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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220516-19
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1946,1940s
Country: France,Germany,Japan,Norway
Location: Nuremberg,Oslo,Paris,Tokyo
TC Begins: 09:39:13
TC Ends: 09:41:35
Duration: 00:02:22
Post-WWII - War Crimes Trials: France, Japan, Germany Intertitle: Yesterday’s Big Story. 09:39:18 Exterior, Palace of Justice, Paris. MCU Guards / French police check man’s papers. Interior, Marshall Henri Pétain enters courtroom for treason trial re collaboration with Nazis. LS full courtroom. Former Premier Paul Reynaud testifies. Pétain listening, CU. NOTE: Pétain found guilty, condemned to death then sent into exile. 09:39:52 Norway’s Quisling sweating, CU sentenced to death for betraying his country. 09:40:07 Ext. Japan’s former premier Hideki Tojo off bus past soldiers; Tojo & 25 other defendants in courtroom dock, tried for war crime atrocities, CU. 09:40:21 Soldier in Himmler’s bedroom w/ Himmler’s corpse. CU Bullet with which he committed suicide. MCU Heinrich Himmler dead. 09:40:33 Nuremberg trials: EXT building; INT courtroom. Rudolf Hess, Ribbentrop. Defendants pleading not guilty (German re not guilty, sound-SOF). Typing transcripts. Noose. Unid person being hanged. 09:41:28 The End. Post-WW2; Popular History; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. If requested entire reel 09:35:21 - 09:41:35 (3 cards) will be provided at per reel rate.