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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221161-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1948
Country: Japan
Location: Nagova City,Nagoya
TC Begins: 00:34:23
TC Ends: 00:40:58
Duration: 00:06:35
Post-WWII, 1948, Japan Toyota Automobile Factory, 10Sep48 Aerials of Toyota Motor Company factory showing huge manufacturing complex. 00:36:33 Japanese workers entering factory gate. 00:37:38 Interior office workers male and female clerks. Two men at desk in managers office. Typists. 00:38:28 Inside factory, drop forges working. Women working on pistons, various scenes of production, lots of female workers. Sand molds on conveyor belt. Crane moving large part of machinery toward camera. 00:39:51 Tracking shot thru factory - huge metal forming stamping presses in action. Post-WW2; Japanese Occupation; Occupied Japan; 1940s Automobile Industry; Rebuilding Japan;