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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250228-10
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s,1940s
Country: Germany
Location: Munich,Nuremberg,Potsdam
TC Begins: 01:02:21
TC Ends: 01:05:15
Duration: 00:02:54
Pre-WWII - 1930s, Germany: Nazi Military Ceremonies, Night & Day Night. Two torches w/ eagle banner between; CU of banner of Nazi ?? Hitler walks past assembled military & shakes hands, salutes. Mounts steps. Soldiers holding burning torches. CUs. LS pan of assembled troops. 01:03:15 ?? in uniform at podium & microphones SOF (low) w/ Hitler behind as music plays. CU banner w/ Adolf Hitler; another w/ Der Fuehrer. End animated title Tobis Wochenschau (brief). 01:03:35 Black. 01:03:38 Interior: Nazi military officers on platform saluting. Daytime Exterior: artillery guns, CU on gun: Ludendorff (and map). Troops reviewed in Potsdam by ??. Troops in formal dress marching in Munich w/ banners in ceremony, present colors. Stand at attention filling plaza. CUs. Taking oath w/ CU of hands. 01:04:59 Marching to music. CUs of officers reviewing. Flag. Pre-WW2; Ceremony; Marching; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate; may combine w/ other complete cards / reels to maximum of 10 minutes total at per reel rate.