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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300160
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 01:00:07
TC Ends: 01:09:17
Duration: 00:09:10
Pre-WWII - 1930s, Money Exchanged; German American Bund Camp; German Publications & Anti-Semitism; Newspaper Headlines & Cartoons re German Persecution of Religion & Jews MCU two men at desk counting money in front of sign: Registered Marks apply for them here. Issued at a special discount. Exchanging US dollars for German marks & double checking count. Repeating exchange & putting Marks in purse. Closer shot of hands. Man at bank window counting money & exchanging w/ bank clerk. Multiple takes. CU of bills being counted, then put in billfold & leaving. 01:02:04 Drawing labeled Design For Summer Camp German American Bund, Fritz Kuhn National Chairman. Building w/ two flag poles w/ German swastika flags. CU. 01:02:24 Man holding newspaper, Der Sturmer w/ anti-semitic / anti-Jewish cartoon. CU Other copies w/ stereotyped images. 01:03:09 Hands open book cover to Mein Kampf publishing info & photo of Adolf Hitler on left cover page. 01:03:25 Newspaper, December 9, 1937. 29 pages. Three Cents. Headline: Southbury’s Zoning Code Bars Use Of Bund Camps For Recreation Or Drills. 01:03:46 Christmas tree w/ decorations of lynched Jews, candles & other ornaments. 01:04:17 CU fork cutting up cake. 01:04:43 Newspaper column heading: Nazi Regime To Try 1,000 Monks In War Against Catholics... 01:04:58 2 1/2-Year Term For Bernstein In Nazi Trial. Hamburg, Germany Jan. 7. U.P. 01:05:03 24 Churchmen Face Trials In Germany - Protestants Are Accused Of Collecting Funds - Struggle With State Is Bitter. Berlin, Nov. 3 Wireless to The New York Times. 01:05:14 Guillotine Ends German Quest For Headsman. Prussia Had Failed To Find Successor For Hereditary Magdeburg Executioner. Apprentices Rejected. Modern Version of French Machine Replaces The Ax. Magdeburg, Germgany, July 21. 01:05:23 Germany Gripped By Anti-Red Drive. Pact With Japan Spurs Press and Party Orators to Rail at Communist International. Czechoslovakia Is Targetl She is Accused of Becoming... 01:05:32 Nazi Mob Beats Berlin Jews For Resenting Slur - 6 Jews, 6 Aryan Women. 01:05:42 Dodd Back, Bitter On Dictatorships. Denounces the Spread, ‘From Rome To Tokyo ‘of Regimes That Suppress Freedom. Sees World War Brewing. 01:05:52 Nazis to Stage Mass Trial of Religious Foes - 12 Confessional Pastors and Lay Leaders Will Face Berlin Court Next Week. June 27. 01:06:01 Dodd Returns, Attacks Nazis, Fears New War - Former U.S. Ambassador to Reich Says Reasons for Quitting Are ‘Obvious’. 01:06:07 Editorial cartoon: Death wearing cloak w/ hammer & sickle looks at Jewish man wearing a star. Another, caricature of Litwinow / Litvinov standing on top of bomb in front of shadow labeled Stalin. Other anti-USSR cartoons. 01:06:29 Column heading: Nazis Assail Pope, Order Nuns To Trial. Berlin, April 13 - Daily News. 01:06:39 New Terrorism Feared By Jews After Nazi Riot... 01:06:47 Nazis Fine Bernstein $400,000, Give Him Prison Term as Traitor. 01:06:58 3 Women and Baron Face Death for Spying on Nazis... Berlin Feb.16, 1935. 01:07:15 “65,000 Starve in the Streets of Cleveland” - German Labor Newspaper Scoops the World. 01:07:23 90,000 Fewer Jews Under Hitler Rule. 409,000 Professing Ones Still in Germany After 4 Years of Nazism, Report Shows. Slug. 01:07:41 Slate: 1/15/38 15Jan38 Start Fascism In Africa. Maps of German influence: Africa, US, Europe. Pre-WW2;