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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300129
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1934,1930s
Country: Germany
Location: Nuremberg
TC Begins: 01:00:16
TC Ends: 01:10:00
Duration: 00:09:44
Pre-WWII - 1934, Germany: Nuremberg 6th Party Congress Opening, Sep34 Rural peasants in traditional harvest costumes marching / parading, followed by young people in national costumes. MCUs people watching. Parading women carrying harvest baskets of fruit, corn, etc. CU young girl eating apple. 01:01;04 MS Hitler in uniform carrying cap arriving, shakes hands with women, boys watching. CUs girls & women watching. Hitler shaking hands w/ other women & men beside harvest baskets. LS crowd watching; LS civilian men in ranks watching; bare-chested men holding shovels at attention, CUs. Hitler reviewing, talking w/ men. 01:03:10 CU boy w/ fingers in mouth to whistle . CU Hitler into car, salutes & leaving, smiling crowd cheering. 01:04:02 06Sep34 NIght. Tilt up to lighted eagle on swastika; LS of huge packed hall. CU Hess to microphone on lectern, SOF opening of Nuremberg 6th Party Congress. Hitler, Streicher & others standing behind Hess. CUs civilians & military listening. Applause. 01:05:29 Hess continues, turns & speaks to Hitler. Pan listening Nazi officers. Cheering audience. MCU Goebbels applauding. Civilians applaud. Hitler listens to Hess speaking. 01:07:42 Hitler past Streicher to shake hands w/ Hess. LS crowd applauding. 01:07:53 Title : “Aus der Proklamation des Fuehrers verlesen von Wagener.” 01:07:58 Otto Wagener at lectern reads speech. 01:08:42 Title: Rosenberg. CU Alfred Rosenberg speaking. 01:09:15 Title: Dietrich & Josef Dietrich speaking. 01:09:36 Title: Fritz Todt speaking. Pre-WW2; Propaganda; Documentary; 1930s Nazi Generals; Speeches;