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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300139
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1934,1930s
Country: Germany
Location: Nuremberg
TC Begins: 01:00:11
TC Ends: 01:09:55
Duration: 00:09:44
Pre-WWII - 1934, Germany: Nuremberg Rally, 05Sep34 CU Hitler speaking & gesturing, continued from 300138. Intercut w/ crowd applauding & Nazi officers listening including CU of Streicher. 01:01:53 MS & LS Crowd rising to feet & cheering. MS Hitler continuing to speak. CU from rear of crowd cheering. MS people listening. Speech repeating in similar pattern. 01:04:01 Extreme LS from rear of hall, cheering crowd saluting & large hanging swastika behind Hitler & others on dias. 01:04:16 CU Hitler waiting for silence. Speech continues intercut with applause, Nazis, LS of hall. 01:07:42 LS Pan crowd cheering (after Hitler concludes speech and turns to return to his seat. 01:07:52 CU raised saluting hands, tilt down to Goring & others. 01:08:01 MS Hess to lectern, turns & looks at Hitler. CU Hitler smiling & saluting. 01:08:36 Hess speaking re Hitler is Germany, Sieg Heil! LS of crowd; MS & LS crowd saluting & singing. Pre-WW2; Propaganda; Documentary; 1930s Nazi Speeches; NOTE: lectern has single microphone & large chrysanthemum bouquets on each side.