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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300211
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s,1936
Country: Germany
Location: Nuremberg stadium
TC Begins: 01:00:07
TC Ends: 01:04:48
Duration: 00:04:41
Pre-WWII - 1936, Germany: Nuremberg Stadium, Hitler Reviewing Mass Military Exercise & Flyover SOF Many trimotor planes overhead; many biplanes overhead & passing beneath dirigible. High angle of explosion. 01:00:26 MS tanks past prone German soldiers on ground w/ machine guns; people watching from behind, troops up & run. Military exhibition. Slug. 01:00:37 Large cheering crowd on hillside saluting. MCU Hitler crossing road w/ officer. LS large filled stadium, waving & cheering. MCU Hitler crossing on stone reviewing stand in stadium in front of saluting officers. LS stadium flyover; MS Hitler & Hermann Goering watching planes. 01:01:08 LS rows of tanks on infield moving toward camera & firing guns; tanks passing prone soldiers; soldiers advance across infield thru smoke screen. LS of infield activity. 01:01:27 MCU troops cranking to raise artillery barrel; LS; light plane flyover; tanks & running troops. Tanks assemble, crew out, pose & salute. Hitler returns the salute. 01:02:14 Assembled equipment & troops filling infield pose. Hitler speaks w/ Hess standing behind, leads Sieg Heil. dirigible low overhead. Foreign military and civilian VIPs watch. 01:02:59 Nazi military officers march in front of saluting Hitler & Hess on reviewing stand as crowds cheer (background sound); officers mount reviewing stand & watch passing military band leading marching soldiers & sailors in goose stepping formation. Pre-WW2 Military Demonstration; Power; Strength Display; Propaganda; 1930s; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.