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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250100-25
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: California,Colorado,Flint,Green Mountain,Manassas,Michigan,ORego|,SANTA MONICA,Virginia,Wolf Creek
TC Begins: 06:51:40
TC Ends: 06:55:43
Duration: 00:04:03
Pre-WWII - 1939, USA: Army Maneuvers; AFL Strike; Automobile Parade / Celebration; Gambling Ship; Forest Fire. Aug39 Title: World-Wide News Events - Manassas, VA. 06:51:46 Troops march off trains; out of trucks; set up tents; soldiers served in mess line & sitting on ground eating. CU fat guy eating. NOTE: arrival for 05-18Aug39 First Army Maneuvers which included 29th Div. of National Guard. Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; 06:52:29 Title: Green Mountain, Colo. View down onto valley & mining town. Large steam shovel on road. 04Aug39 National Guard troops w/ 2 armored cars / tanks across narrow wooden bridge past sentry, followed by soldiers in trucks. Searching miners. 06:53:00 Men down ropes on top of cliff. Miners / strike breakers at check point showing identification & patted down. 06:53:20 Pan over row of rifles against vehicle. Man pointing to bullet hole in car. Sentries patrolling outside mine gates & on top of ridge w/ town behind. NOTE: AFL labor union & Warner Construction Co. reached agreement on 22Aug39 for Colorado - Big Thompson headwaters project on the Colorado River to divert snow melt from west slope to east slope developed by Department of Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation. 06:53:37 Title: Flint, Mich. View from top of building to street parade, lined w/ spectators. MCU beauty riding on top of float, another swinging; early / antique cars driven past. 06:54:02 People in building windows throwing confetti; queen & attendants on float under Flint Wheels banner across street. MCU queen wearing crown. Horses pulling carriage w/ prince inside. Beauties on car. 06:54:19 Title: Santa Monica, Calif. View of gambling ship Rex from water w/ launch alongside. Int. men carrying pinball machines, throwing table & loose cards over side into water. Wooden tables floating in water. NOTE: additional on 221097-29 10:28:36 - 10:29:15 after court order allow re-opening ca Jun39; 250085-21 00:25:24 - 00:25:51 equipment seized & destroyed ca Jun40. NOTE: SS Rex off Los Angeles was run in 1930s & early 1940s by Anthony Cornero, aka The Admiral aka Tony The Hat, an organized crime figure of Southern California. He ran a sister ship SS Tango, each w/ a crew of approx. 350. The Rex was aimed at middle class clientele & was a success operating 24 hrs a day. 06:55:02 Title: Wolf Creek, Ore. High angle (HA) smoking burned hillside w/ barren tree trunks of forest fire; MCU men walking past from railroad passenger cars, climb into trucks. MS flames burning up forest hillside; men spraying w/ hand pumps on back, hosing down cabins in woods, carrying belongings to car. CU burning flames on ground & trees. NOTE: any or all sold at per reel rate.