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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220855-08-P1
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 18:39:03
TC Ends: 18:45:42
Duration: 00:06:39
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pre-WWII - 1940, President Roosevelt: Congressional Message On Appropriations for National Defense. 16May40 Pt. 2 of 2, Card 1 of 2 “In types of planes, we are not behind the other nations of the world. Many of the planes of the belligerent powers are at this moment not of the latest models. But one belligerent power not only has many more planes than all its opponents combined, but also appears to have a weekly production capacity, at the moment, that is far greater than that of all their opponents. From the point of view of our own defense, therefore, great additional production capacity is our principal air requisite. For the permanent record I ask the Congress not to take any action which would in any way hamper or delay the delivery of American-made planes to foreign nations which have ordered them or seek to purchase new planes. (applause). 18:40:27 That, from the point of view of our own national defense, would be extremely short sighted. Our immediate problem is to superimpose on this production capacity a greatly increased additional production capacity. (applause) I should like to see this nation geared up to the ability to turn out at least 50,000 planes a year. (applause) Yes, and I go further I believe that this nation should plan at this time a program that would provide us with 50,000 military and naval planes. (applause) 18:41:38 The ground forces of the Army, they require the immediate speeding up of last winter's program to procure more equipment of all kinds including motor transport & artillery, tanks, antiaircraft guns & full ammunition supplies. It had been planned to spread these requirements over the next two or three years. We should fill them at once. (applause) 18:42:22 And so at this time I am asking the Congress immediately to appropriate a large sum of money for four primary purposes: First, to procure the essential equipment of all kinds for a larger & thoroughly rounded-out Army; Second, to replace or modernize all old Army & Navy equipment w/ the latest type of equipment; Third, to increase production facilities for everything needed for the Army & Navy for national defense. (applause) For it is clear that we require the ability to turn out quickly infinitely greater supplies. I ask for an immediate appropriation of $896,000,000. (edit) LS of congress listening. 18:43:46 “The democracy cannot cope w/ the new techniques of Government developed in recent years by some countries; by a few countries which deny the freedoms that we maintain are essential to our democratic way of life. That I reject! (applause) I know, I know that our trained officers & men know more about fighting & know more about the weapons & equipment needed for fighting than any of us laymen; (applause) & I have confidence in our officers & men. (applause) I know that to cope w/ present dangers we must be strong in heart & mind; strong in in our faith, strong in the faith in our way of living. I too pray for peace, that the ways of aggression & force may be banished from the earth—but I am determined to face the fact realistically that this nation requires also a toughness of moral & physical fibre. Those qualities, I am convinced, the American people hold to a high degree. (applause) Continued... Pre-WWII build up; Pre-WW2 Presidential speech; Military Funding Request; NOTE: 18:39:03 - 18:49:41 (2 cards) sold at per reel rate. Pt. 1, separate reel on 220855-06 18:22:11 - 18:29:53. Content listed is what is actually on film. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: