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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220855-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 18:13:13
TC Ends: 18:21:55
Duration: 00:08:42
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pre-WWII - 1940, President Roosevelt: Draft Lottery Speech, excerpts. 29Oct40 Dept. of Labor auditorium, depositing numbers into jar, stirring them for draft lottery drawing. 18:13:28 High angle / HA LS of stage w/ last words of introduction for FDR. 18:13:56 “Members of your Government are gathered here in this Federal Building in Washington to witness the drawing of numbers as provided for in the Selective Service Act of 1940. This is a most solemn ceremony. It is accompanied by no fofaw, no blowing of bugles or beating of drums. And there should be none. (edit) The young men of America today have thought this thing through. They have not been stimulated by or misled by militarist propaganda. They fully understand the necessity for national defense and are ready, as all citizens of our country must be, to play their part in it. They know simply that ours is a great country—great in perpetual devotion to the cause of liberty & justice, great in faith that always there can be & must be a will to a better future. They know that in the present world the survival of liberty & justice is dependent on strength to defend against attack. (edit) 18:15:33 I would emphasis this also, the total drawing will be 10% of all registered. Thus 90%... (gives incorrect figures here and acknowledges) ...less than 5% will be called... 18:17:00 I give this solemn assurance: Your Government is mindful of its profound responsibility to &for all the young men who will be called to train for our national service. Your Government is aware that not only do these young men represent the future of our country, they are the future. They must profit as men by this one year of experience as soldiers. They must return to civilian life strong, & healthy, & self-respecting, & decent & free. Your Government will devote its every thought, its every energy, to the cause that is common to all of us—the maintenance of the dignity, the prosperity & the peace of our country. 18:17:55 To the young men themselves I should like to speak, to speak as Commander-in-Chief of the United States Army: You who will enter this peacetime army will be the inheritors of a proud history & an honorable tradition. You will be members of an army which first came together to achieve independence & to establish certain fundamental rights for all men. Ever since that first muster, our democratic army has existed for one purpose only: the defense of our freedom. 18:18:38 It is for that one purpose & that one purpose only, that you will be asked to answer the call to training. You have answered that call, as Americans always have, and as Americans always will, until the day when war is forever banished from this earth. You have the confidence, & the gratitude, & the love of your countrymen. We are all w/ you in the task which enlists the services of all Americans—the task of keeping the peace in this new world of ours. (end & applause) 18:19:38 Blindfold put on Secretary of War Stimson. Drawing of numbers by Stimson & other blindfolded Cabinet members & VIPs. 18:20:24 FDR: The third serial number drawn by the Attorney General number 8,239; the next serial number by the sec of the navy is 6,620; the next number (cut to blackboard). 18:21:37 MS Writing numbers on blackboard. Pre-WW2; Radio Address Excerpts; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: