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Pre-WWII - 1941, USA Govenrment: Buy U.S. Bonds! Roosevelt Appeals To The Nation

Reel Number: 220478-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1941,1940s

Country: USA

Location: Washington, DC

TC Begins: 21:01:51

TC Ends: 21:04:30

Duration: 00:02:39

Pre-WWII - 1941, USA Government: Roosevelt Buys First Defense Savings Bond & Stamp. 01May41 MS SOF: FDR at desk speaks to camera: “In the larger sense, this first Defense bond & these first Defense stamps that have been sold to the President constitute tangible evidence of partnership; a partnership between all of the people & their government... Distance of enemy no longer guarantee of safety w/ advent of modern warfare. “With jobs more plentiful & wages higher... Pre-WW2; Economics; Economy; Dangers; Warnings; Propaganda;

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