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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220570-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1940s
Country: England,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: New York City,NYC:
TC Begins: 19:40:39
TC Ends: 19:53:44
Duration: 00:13:05
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pre-WWII - 1941, USA Homefront: Donovan Speech For Military Buildup; Factory Operations. MS William Donovan at desk in library w/ two NBC microphones. 19:40:45 SOF, “The plain fact is, if Hitler wins I’d say our standard of living, our concept of human life, would all be placed in jeopardy. We shall not relax our military & sea power if we wish to maintain our way of life. For the conflict between the two systems is irreconcilable & inevitable. Those who say we are not in danger, & advise us not to act as if we were are assuming a very grave responsibility. For if we follow their advice & they are proved wrong we are lost.” He says will have to increase military power, do each day what we think is right to avert that danger. Talks about establishing Greenland base; convoys to Europe... 19:42:29 “Nations which hesitate are lost”. Talks about lend-lease; ships to support England are being sunk. 19:43:48 MCU. repeat (may be better sound track). 19:46:30 MCU. repeat, third time. (may be best track). 19:49:30 Slug 19:49:32 Si. Crane w/ clam-shell loading RR car w/ sand; large building in background. 19:50:26 Man riding electric (?) tractor w/ scrap past camera. 19:50:47 Two men pushing large motor hanging from chain out of building & onto truck. 19:51:17 LS across parking area & factory yard, semi truck w/ trailer past. 19:51:49 Men unload wrapped large boxes onto small wagon / cart; pushed past loading dock. 19:52:32 Chimney smoking in MCU & CU. Base of large brick chimneys . MLS 3 industrial chimneys w/ smoke. Pre-WW2; OSS / Office of Strategic Services; War Preparations; 1940s; Military Preparedness; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Poor quality sound track. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: