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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221531-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1938
Country: France
Location: Brest
TC Begins: 10:26:20
TC Ends: 10:40:59
Duration: 00:14:39
Pre-WWII - French Naval Ships, Cruiser Sirocco & Light Cruiser Montcalm, Visited by premier Daladier, ca 1937/38 Military & civilian VIPs along sidewalk at dock area. French Admiral & Premier Daladier. LS Gangway to Destroyer Sirocco, aka Siroco, & VIPs down. Sd. piped aboard, sailors at attention; bugler. Sailors seen on several ships at attention. 10:27:52 CU name plate Siroco. MCU PM Daladier & ?? 10:28:27 SOF Commander speaks, sailors give their names & job title (?). VIPS walk past sailors; CU medals. Captain explaining things to Daladier. Salute on arrival on next ship, shown racks of anti-submarine mines. CU VIPs. VIPs up gangway to bugle; walk past docked ship. 10:32:17 CU dock workers take off caps (brief). 10:32:25 MOS Shipboard & Daladier puts on headset & listens w/ Captain. 10:32:57 CU sign: Atelier des Constructions Neuves. Daladier shakes hands. Motorcade of cars past. Daladier up ornate stone staircase; alongside railroad cars, shake hands. Military officers saluting him. 10:33:53 Slug 10:33:56 Sailor polishing brass lamp. MCU Another brushing cat. Sirocco sailor w/ puppy dog. Sailors polish ship nameplate from wooden platform & ropes. Scraping paint on stern, mast, stack. Man scrubbing deck while gun turret rotates. Polish plate: Honneur et Patrie. Painting chain, guns & scrubbing turret. Sailor posters Menu. 10;36:58 Sailors w/ buckets get hot stew (?) from cook. 10:37:28 PM Daladier & ?? off railroad car, greeted by naval officer. Receiving line. Military guard w/ swords at attention. Buglers (Sd way out of sync). Group walking past cars, reviewing lined sailors. Motorcade leaves station. LS of naval ships docked. Daladier down receiving line at dock. 10:40:24 Walking along ship deck, sailors at attention. 10:40:37 CU ships flag (?), bell w/ Montcalm 1936, sailor w/ Montcalm cap. Walking on ships deck, off gangway. Pre-WWII France; Politicians; Military; NOTE: Sirocco was sunk ca 31May40 while evacuating Dunkirk. Montcalm was stationed at Brest till Jan38.