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President Truman after Potsdam

Reel Number: 220645-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: USA


TC Begins: 08:06:39

TC Ends: 08:16:56

Duration: 00:10:17

President Truman after Potsdam Makes report re his trip to Berlin and the conditions there. Thanks God that America has been spared - re maintaining military presence for World peace - talks re United Nations Charter. Tells of decisions made at Potsdam re the future government of Germany. Talks of Soviet Union declaring war on Japan. Says the allies had given Japan adequate warning of what was in store for them - warnings unheeded - atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Says he realises the tragic significance of the atomic bomb - says will continue to use the bomb until Japans power to make war is destroyed. “Atomic bomb is too dangerous to be loose in a lawless World” .. awful responsibility.. thanks God bomb not in hands of enemies. Talks re Victory in Europe.

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