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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221624-36
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1936
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 10:52:56
TC Ends: 10:57:11
Duration: 00:04:15
Title: Roosevelt’s Talk Politics Says Snell 10:53:01 CU man talking to camera (SOF): “I want the country to know that this is another cheap political trick to give the President, under the caption of an annual message to Congress, the opportunity to make a political speech to defend his New Deal policies that are becoming so unpopular at the present time. Mind you my friends, we have no objection or fear to the President speaking as often and as many times as he desires. But we do object to using Congress & this special occasion for a sounding board for a political speech. 1936; 1930s; Anti-Roosevelt; Anti-New Deal; Republican Bertrand Snell (?); 10:53:48 Title: Roosevelt Addresses Congress 10:53:56 Night w/ Capitol lighted. 10:54:04 Interior, Sd. FDR at podium to applause from joint session. “I would dedicate this nation to the policy of the good neighbor; the neighbor who resolutely respects himself & because he does so respects the rights of others; a neighbor who respects his obligation, & respects the sanctity of his agreements, in and with a world of neighbors. Applause. 10:54:44 “Nations seeking expansion, seeking the rectification of injustice springing from former wars; seeking out less betrayed for population, or even for their own peaceful contribution for the progress of civilization, fail to demonstrate that patience necessary to obtain reasonable & legitimate objectives by peaceful negotiation or by an appeal to the finer instincts of world justice. They have therefore impatiently reverted to the old belief of the law of the sword; or to the fantastic conception that they, and they alone, are chosen to fulfill a mission and that all the others among the billion and a half of human beings in the world must and shall learn from and be subject to them. 10:55:51 “I recognize, and you will recognize, that these worlds which I have chosen w/ deliberation will not prove popular in any nation that chooses to fit this shoe to its foot (applause). 10:56:13 `”As a consistent part of a clear policy the United States is following a two-fold neutrality towards any and all nations which engage in wars that are not of an immediate concern of the Americas. First, we decline to encourage the prosecution of war by permitting belligerents to obtain arms, ammunition, or implements of war from the United States. Second, we seek to discourage the use by belligerent nations of any and all American products calculated to facilitate the prosecution of a war in quantities over & above our normal export of them in time of peace.” Standing applause. 1936; 1930s; Isolation; Joint Session of Congress; State of the Union Speech; Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2;