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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1495-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1946
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Hawaii,Pacific,Pearl Harbor
TC Begins: 11:06:09
TC Ends: 11:25:00
Duration: 00:18:51
Last part of color version. Submarine underwater & explosion rocking; checking batteries. Miniatures intercut w/ men in ship (staged). 11:06:52 USS Trigger (SS-237) resurfaces, men out & firing deck guns w/ tracers. 11:07:28 Orders are given to scuttle ship; crew abandon submarine out of tower as it sinks, swimming. Roiling dark ocean surface at night (could be anywhere). 11:08:41 Hawaii scenes, US sailors recoup after tours of duty on beach at Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Men exercising, tennis, volleyball, ping pong, shoot pool, dancing, jitterbugging, entertained by Hawaiian dancers. 11:10:34 Animated statistics of sunken Japanese tonnage for 1944 11:11:01 US submarine on surface fire cannon at Japanese junk, sinks it. 11:11:20 Look-outs on conning tower; men operating submarine; rifle & other target practice from deck. 11:12:32 Submarine fire canon at Japanese freighter; hit; junk sunk. 11:12:58 Japanese survivors picked up from lifeboat. 11:13:22 Radio operator onboard submarine; plane hits water, parachutes down, pilot rescued - other crew members picked up; treated in sick bay. Another plane ditches. Life boats & rescues; dead bodies floating. Burial at sea. Pilot in dinghy - pilots pulled onboard submarine. Injured & wounded. 11:16:29 Sunset seen from submarine. 11:16:40 Sub firing on Japanese ships; search small ships & dump cargo; taking prisoners. 11:17:28 Japanese ship seen through periscope at dock. 11:17:56 Torpedoes loaded Underwater shot (miniature?). 11:18:18 Captain talks to crew over intercom; men at posts listening. 11:19:22 Torpedoes fired, good bubble trail; target hit & sunk at dock. Torpedo fired. GOOD. 11:22:25 Submarine surfaces, bow plane stuck (various views); raised & dives. Submarine under fire from Japanese vessel. 11:23:22 Sec of Navy Forrestal reviewing crew, presents decorations after tour of duty, handshakes. 11:24:01 Montage of scenes of submarines & activities on board. The End. WWII; WW2; Any continuous ten minutes of this card sold at per reel rate; entire card is priced at two reels.