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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1266-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942
Country: Solomon Islands
Location: Pacific,SOLOMON ISLANDS
TC Begins: 10:34:20
TC Ends: 10:44:15
Duration: 00:09:55
R2 of 4 Continued Fleet underway; crash of a "Corsair" plane into the ocean & rescue of the pilot. Ships firing guns; landing craft in water. Marines descend landing nets into barges; many barges in water leaving ships. Anti-aircraft guns firing. Officers watch; smoke on shore. American planes overhead; an unopposed landing is made in the Solomons & troops off landing craft, walk ashore thru shallow water. Men digging in on beach for machine guns emplacement. Camp under palm trees & U.S. flag raised. 10:39:37 Japanese corpses inspected. Japanese POW's in stockade marching, smoking & wounded treated by U.S. Navy corpsmen. 10:42:17 Machine guns & howitzers loaded & fired in target practice. Japanese artillery inspected & fired. 10:43:10 Jap flame-thrower put on back & demonstrated; Jap sniper camouflage modeled, U.S. & Japanese rifles & shells compared. 10:4 Bomb craters are filled and an airstrip graded; Adm. Nimitz deplanes. Food is unloaded onto the beach by cargo net, and bombs are taken from a landing barge. A P-40 plane is fueled, armed, checked, and taken off; a "Corsair" lands on a dusty field. Captured Japanese positions are examined. Marines paddle canoes, exhibit their knife-throwing and pistol-shooting skill, and wash in a stream. B-17 bombers land on a jungle airstrip. Adm. Nimitz decorates Marines. Hospital patients recuperate. WWII; WW2; 1942; Military Transportation; Pacific Invasion; NOTE: GOOD QUALITY - Romanticized view of Marines.