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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220411-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1918,1945
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 01:41:25
TC Ends: 01:50:15
Duration: 00:08:50
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: The Story With Two Endings 20th Century Fox Dir. Lee Strasberg Staged. WWII Troopship boarding - wives cheering, waving - kisses. 01:42:25 Book - pages open at chapter one & flicked over to The End ? Returning ship in NYC harbor. 1918 - Printing press - newspaper headlines Armistice - end of WWI celebrations - crowds - troops marching parade. 01:43:07 1920 Car factory, stock market & ticker-tapes. Crowds of women in hats into department store. Shopping for clothes - crowds like sale scrum. Brief shots agriculture & industry. Prices go up in shops. Warehouse & factory. Warehouses overstocked with goods. Closed factories, unemployment, depression. Grocery shop closes down. Shopping. Rural scene - farmer w/ equipment - notice Sheriff’s Sale - bankruptcy. Deserted rail yards. Coal mine closed - sign No Men wanted. Flashback end WWI & montage shots to show economic problems after war. 01:45:37 WWII Military marching (brief shots). Crowds of men going to work in factory - shoppers in department store - factory with smoking chimneys - combine harvester - 01:46:02 Beach & fairground scenes - happy people. Split screen showing economic disaster following WWI & what hopefully will happen after WWII 01:46:22 Mr Charles Trowbridge (?) speaks to camera re importance of stable prices after the war. Graphic shows cost of living. 01:48:05 Continues speaking over brief shot of woman in butcher’s shop. Montage: people enjoying themselves: beach, kids playground, tennis, cinema. Queue for War Bonds, men to work, woman shopping in small self service grocery store w/ ration book. 01:49:27 Military marching. Montage of 20s depression & contemporary wealth. Post-WWII Planning; Post-WW2; Economics; Economy; Americana; Back to work; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: