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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250005-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: France,Germany,USA
Location: Berlin,Munich,Paris
TC Begins: 09:43:20
TC Ends: 09:49:00
Duration: 00:05:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title: Streiflichter aus Deutschland 09:43:24 Large group of workers watching VIPs starting large newspaper printing press. Sign Munchen on machine. CUs of workers. 09:43:40 VIP in suit shown button to push, press starts & newspapers off printing press, bundled & MS men looking at papers. 09:44:24 Title: 100 Tage Blockade. Pan across buildings w/ most roofs destroyed to Reichstag. 09:44:45 Montage: Chimneys of factories. Int. w/ men moving sheets of steel; large press; arc welder; woman guard closing entrance to subway; clock 6:30; trolley into garage; pedestrians in street; gas stove doesn’t light; lights in windows & go out; dark streets w/ only headlights. 09:45:23 Man in office in Dusseldorf at printing press, pan to woman riding bicycle to generate electricity & MCU small printing press working. 09:45:32 Montage: Car in street, int. w/ man wearing headphones on microphone; man speaking to government group, applause; one side of room empty. 09:45:53 Overhead LS of people on street corner; street level of women w/ loves of bread; man to newsstand gets paper; people reading papers on corner. 09:46:06 Montage: Four-engine plane overhead; planes landing, unloading w/ statistics of blockade superimposed. Food bags. Animation of turning globe. 09:46:36 Montage: Steam roller on crushed rock, oiling, men sweeping, roller working & men working on road construction; men unloading gravel into barge. 09:47:00 Large Clipper plane taking off; military air transport airplanes landing at airport. 09:47:40 Title: Die UN Tagt In Paris. (3rd Session of United Nations, Sep48) 09:47:47 Overhead shot of ?? from Eiffel Tower, view across Seine River to complex, fountain, delegates arriving & greeting w/ Eiffel Tower behind. 09:48:11 Int. large hall w/ United Nations logo above desk & flags on wall. Delegates at desks; MCUs of Mackenzie King, George Marshall ; Andrey Vyshinsky; Ernest Bevin. LS. Marshall at podium (MOS); Bevin speaking (MOS); Vishinsky speaking (MOS); 09:48:55 The End. Post-WW2 Rebuilding Germany; Industry; Cold War; 1948; Berlin Blockade; Occupied Germany; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: