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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221176-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 06:19:49
TC Ends: 06:37:05
Duration: 00:17:16
Student Flyer Atlas Educational Film Co. thru grant from educational division of Weco Products Company High school students into large school. Six planes in flight, women in war factory, boy gets physical exam, look at poster. High School Physical Fitness Victory Corps established per narrator. 06:20:50 Soldiers & womens auxiliary march in review. Piper cub landing, boys watch. Bounces on grass strip. “Lucky for Jim that the instructor took over”. Both out of plane, walk away annoyed. Another boy gives thumbs down. Back in room instructor talks to Jim. “I guess I was pretty terrible today”. “yes you were.” “Something I have to tell you that will be hard to take”. “You’re all washed’re just wasting money taking lessons.” Jim as a boy playing w/ plane among toys. Mother takes from crib. 06:24:20 Group of young boys w/ model airplanes & flying them. 06:24:37 Taking ride in plane, w/ mother talking. Back w/ instructor. 06:26:07 “The trouble may be with your eyes.” Jim talks to eye doctor, “must be a focal infection”. “A common source for that infection is an abscessed tooth.” 06:27:47 Dentist shows x-ray w/ infection to Jim in dentist chair. Girl looks dejected after leaving office. Boy gets out of chair still talking to dentist; sits & listens to dentist. “Easier to prevent than to correct...” 06:29:42 Little boy examined in dentist’s chair. Couple & other teenagers watch football practice. 06:31:04 Doctor describes well balanced diet, grocer packs cans, vegetables, fruit into bag in grocery store. 06:32:13 - 06:35:12 deep gouge in lower left. 06:32:3? Shows proper brushing. Continues lecture. 06:35:15 Jim gets eye doctor’s okay, flying & spins etc seen from another plane. First solo flight begins seen off by instructor & mother. Air to air in plane. Out of plane and shaking hands and smiles. Receives flying pin. CU on shirt pocket. Bomber in air. Abrupt end. American Dental Association; Sponsored Promotion Film; 1940s WWII Home Front War Effort;