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Sulfur And Its Compounds 1945

Reel Number: 221699-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945,1940s

Country: Italy,USA

Location: Sicily,Texas

TC Begins: 06:41:12

TC Ends: 06:51:33

Duration: 00:10:21

Titles. 06:41:28 Block of sulfer in front of woman at chemistry lab table. 06:41:51 Woman in car at gasoline / service station, man fills up tank; puts air in tire & checks battery. Closes hood. 06:42:31 Map showing sulfur in Sicily. Map of Texas with sulfur deposits shown. 06:43:07 Derrick over sulfur well. Illustration of method of pumping up sulfur. 06:43:42 Pipes w/ sulfur mixed liquid pumped out. Enormous mountain of sulphur blasted, loaded onto railroad cars & shipped. 06:44:09 Woman in school or college chemistry laboratory melting sulfur. Various forms prepared. 06:45:19 Eight-sided crystals formed in lab. Melting & pouring other forms of sulfur. CUs. 06:46:15 Title: Amorphous aka Plastic Sulfur. Molding rubbery plastic state of sulfur by heating, pouring into cold water. 06:46:59 Title: Compounds of Sulfur. Burning sulphur in air to form SO2. Sniffing. Sulfur dioxide shown to bleach red geranium flower. 06:47:59 Diagram to illustrate sulfur’s chemical reactions. 06:48:42 Manufacture of sulfuric acid, tractor bucket loader moving raw sulfur from pile into conveyor into furnace. Tanks & coolers; shipping in railroad tank cars. 06:49:32 Hardware store & showing rubber products to illustrate use of sulphur. Sprayed on rose plants to protect against fungus; used for pickling metals to remove surface scale etc. Sheets of metal out of tank. Applying bags of superphosphate fertilizer to fields using tractor & spreader. Sulfur used to manufacture. 06:51:10 Hospital w/ nurse applying sulphur compounds for treatment as medicine. 06:51:25 The End title. Industry; Industrial Manufacturing; Color Educational Film; 1945; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Americana Daily Life; 1940s; Natural Resources; Chemistry; Chemicals; NOTE: Any one continuous minute sold at per reel rate. VERY GOOD COLOR & QUALITY.

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