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Target For Tonight Reel 4

Reel Number: 221059-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942

Country: Germany

Location: in the air,Studio

TC Begins: 01:00:05

TC Ends: 01:09:33

Duration: 00:09:28

Target For Tonight Reel 4 Dramatisation. VS RAF bomber crew en route to Freihausen, Germany for night bombing raid; pilot asks Scottish navigator where they are - replies “we’re over Karlsruhr ?, famous for its breweries” - “let’s go down and smell its breath”. LS bomber in flight through clouds. CU pilot in cockpit. CU propeller. VS bomber crew as plane draws near target - AVs countryside - canal. 01:02:50 German troops on ground scramble to anti-aircraft positions - orders being shouted in German - heavy guns fired. RAF gunner asks permission to “strafe the flak” - CUs Germans firing anti-aircraft gun. Bombs released - explosion seen from air and ground - railway goods yard - “I got a bullseye with the last one” / “good man, have a cigar” / “In think I’ll just have a sandwich”. Heavy gunfire. 01:05:45 Bomber hit by enemy fire - wireless operator wounded while sending Target Bomb signal. 01:06:30 RAF HQ - officers read interrupted message - location of bombers tracked on map. 01:07:23 Bomber pilot tends to wounded operator - co-pilot at controls. Oil pressure dropping - pilot takes over. Officers around map at base - no news from bomber - radio for weather information & informed of poor visibility over Germany. WWII. Military Aviation.

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