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Target Invisible

Reel Number: 250035-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s,1945

Country: Japan,USA


TC Begins: 20:42:53

TC Ends: 20:50:55

Duration: 00:08:02

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Titles. 20:43:20 Montage: silhouetted B-29s, tents & airbase activity; mechanics working on bomber motor; loading bombs; jeep past sign: Headquarters XXI Bomber Command, to quonset hut. Interior: men listen to briefing w/ CU pointer to Japanese targets on map w/ pin marking Kawagoe & Takahagi. MCU men listening; motors start & B-29 taxi & take off past camera on bombing mission. 20:44:13 Formations of B29s from above over water. Air to air views over clouds. CU pilot; bombardier. 20:44:50 CU Bombardier looking thru Norden bombsight. 20:44:52 Clouds, dissolving to radar sweep on oscilloscope. Radar operator & instruments, gages, receiver & transmitter. 20:45:25 Diagram of plane & radar transmission; scope showing nothing from beam hitting open water; repeated & scope showing reflection of solid objects . 20:46:15 B29 formations form above & rear; CU plotting course. CU of crew members; radar operator talks to bombardier; to pilot. Intercut w/ radarscope. CU pointing to map of Japan; view of B29 w/ bomb bay doors open; radar; bombardier & Norden bombsight. 20:48:58 Bombs dropping & falling into clouds. Flames & leveled aftermath. Airman holding still of destruction talking to camera re “why show us this, the war is over?” “We won it...you men & women in the factories...” Talks about the peace: “Our scientists must go on perfecting old inventions & developing new ones for the security of our nation at peace; & you who bought bonds in support of the war effort can buy a share in the peace by investing in bonds today.” Buy Bonds... The End. WWII Inventions; Post-WW2 Science; War Effort; Technology; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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