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Teenage Juke Joint - Reenactment

Reel Number: 221416-29

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1943

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:59:12

TC Ends: 07:07:30

Duration: 00:08:18

Teenage Juke Joint - Reenactment Sailor & girl by juke box in back of soda fountain; kids in booths smoking. Sign: No liquor. Kids dancing, 06:59:49 Older man in suit gets up from table & brings chair & drink to kids booth. 07:00:33 MCU of kids at booth w/ coca cola bottle on table; boy smoking cigarette looks around & pulls out pint & pours into his glass & other fellows. Girl sips, then downs drink. MCU man up to table. CUs. 07:03:54 MCU Sailor & girl at jukebox, couple at table, others jitterbugging. 07:04:47 CU Girl w/ sailor at jukebox, girl approached by drunk soldier. CU dancing couples. 07:06:04 Older couples at table; woman eyes sailor & watches dancers (stagey). CU of man drinking. 1940s Americana; teenagers; youth; WWII Homefront; Recreation; Dating; Entertainment;

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