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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221461-28
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 07:35:13
TC Ends: 07:38:19
Duration: 00:03:06
The Telenews Daily - Admiral Halsey Condemns B-36 (Also another Navy officer) 07:35:39 SOF Sec. of Navy Francis P. Matthews, in uniform, reading statement before Investigative Committee: “History has taught us that a maritime nation that loses control of the sea is a defeated nation. The Navy is the only force that can maintain control of the sea. To do its fleets must be capable of conducting naval campaigns & operations, including amphibious operations, against opposition from air, sea & submarine forces. The Navy can exercise sea power effectively only as an integrated force w/ its components: the submarine force, air force, service force, fleet marine force, amphibious force & all others developed & working together as a balanced naval force w/ common undestanding & towards a common end.” 07:36:29 House Armed Services Committee w/ Carl Vinson chairman. 07:36:32 Adm. Halsey in civilian clothes, SOF: “...recommend to the committee that they do something about completion of a new carrier. I think we in America are too prone to use the word ‘super’. I’ve heard this carrier described as a super-carrier. It is not a super carrier, in the sense that it is just a normal development from the carriers that have gone along from the very beginning, the first one when we had the old /? that we converted, we went up thru, built the Wasp & the Ranger which were too small. The first real carriers we had were probably the Enterprise, the Or? & finally the Franklin D. Roosevelt in that class. I think this carrier is just a carry on from that class; and if you will look at plans showing very plainly that there is not as much difference between the Franklin D. Roosevelt & the proposed carrier as there is between the first carrier & the second one we built. The third thing that I would recommend, something you brought up yourself sir, I cannot understand how Congress can appropriate money & have it approved by the President of the United States & have some man stop it.” 07:37:50 Congressman: “Particularly with reference to the national defense.” Halsey: “Yes, sir!” 07:37:53 Congressman waving finger: “Let me say to you sir, you’re here w/ your massive leonine head, & so affectionately called The Bull; they couldn’t choose a better name because of your bulldoggedness. We wish you continued health & happiness for the remainder of your days, Sir.” Applause. Congressional Hearing; Admirals Revolt; Post-WWII; Security; Testimony; Naval Power; Strength; Cold War; NOTE: Hearing on strategy & unification was in Oct. 1949.