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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221461-54
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1949
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 08:14:26
TC Ends: 08:16:09
Duration: 00:01:43
Title: A Telenews Special (Germans Adopting German Orphans, 1949) 08:14:30 Woman & man looking at wall of small photographs, pan across, German w/ cartoon drawing. CU of kids born ca 1937. 08:14:50 Women & men sitting at table sorting papers. CU paper w/ photograph. 08:15:01 Nurses walking w/ boy & girl (seen in photos) carrying boxes, other children run after. Goodbye kisses & waves, kids get into car w/ nurse & drive off. CU in car, girl on nurses lap looking out. 08:15:29 Girl held by new mother. Boy held by new father, neighbors join to see new kids. CU woman dabbing tears. 08:15:49 CU of orphan pictures of the two children. Pan across wall of photographs. The End. Germany Post-WWII; Adoptions; Children;