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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220975-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1947
Country: Canada,France,Italy
Location: corsica,vars
TC Begins: 12:12:18
TC Ends: 12:24:04
Duration: 00:11:46
Thunderbolt R1 Pt2 Dirs. William Wyler, John Sturges, Lester Koenig, Gail Kubik Made 1944, rel. 1947? VS P-47 Thunderbolt bombers, new weapon of Italian Campaign; taxi along runway; prepared for pilots by air crew. US pilots board planes; CUs discuss mission w/ crew chiefs. Line of planes painted w/ vars names and pictures; pilots wait for signal; line of Thunderbolts as propellers start; VS take off in pairs; PoVs runway; fly over meadow w/ horse. 12:18:45: VS airborne squadron crosses Corsica, heads out to sea, over Italian coast. MS and CUs Thunderbolts in formation. AVs planes dive over enemy targets; CU bombs drop, bridges hit; planes re-group. WWII. Aviation.