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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1658-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 11:24:13
TC Ends: 11:53:14
Duration: 00:29:01
Title, montage of military scenes. 11:26:12 Various rifles shown in American time periods w/ Revolutionary War w/ British Redcoats, etc. M-14 / M14 described. Infantryman firing rifle. Presenter SOF. 11:28:11 Firing range training of soldiers in marksmanship. 11:30:01 Tourists in front of Capitol building, sightseeing military statues. Paul Revere ride; Frontiersmen, buffalos, American Indians; settlers; Civil War cannons firing; staged Spanish-American War; WWI / WW1; WWII / WW2; Korea. 11:33:34 Historical gun display, gun added. Los Angeles police academy double-decker firing range w/ actor Craig Stevens, SOF to camera about shooting clubs. 11:34:56 - 11:35:32 COPYRIGHT TV & MOVIE FOOTAGE. CANNOT SUPPLY. 11:35:32 Boy getting gun for Christmas by Christmas tree; w/ father. Mother shakes head. Hunting together; on rifle range. Stevens & LA police sergeant instructing on rifle range for NRA. SOF. 11:37:50 Montage of WW1 / WWI & WWII / WW2 wars. 11:38:33 Rifle range. General Lemmnitzer, SOF. 11:39:54 Staged police shoot out w/ bad guys. Arrest of “lawless element” 11:40:22 Juvenile delinquents w/ guns shooting tin cans in alley. 11:40:43 Staged State House w/ trying to regulate fire arms “Undesirable legislation... Britain as bad example of fire arm control.” 11:42:02 Response of shipping goods to Britain due to Britain outlawing firearms. 11:42:24 Drunken or careless driver. Improvement by driver training; same for guns. 11:43:10 Rifle range & training. 11:43:52 Bird hunting scenes. 11:46:53 Target practice w/ NRA shooting clubs. 11:48:17 Camp Perry Rifle Shoot / Competition. 11:52:15 Summation. End credits. Anti-Gun Control; Propaganda; Sell any continuous 14 minutes at per reel rate. NOTE: Digibeta has been checked and is normal (much brighter than VHS)