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Toyo No Gaika aka Victory Song of the Orient R11/14

Reel Number: 220827-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942

Country: Japan,Philippines,USA

Location: CORREGIDOR,Philippine Islands

TC Begins: 16:12:15

TC Ends: 16:22:30

Duration: 00:10:15

Toyo No Gaika aka Victory Song of the Orient R11 of 14 re: Japanese Invasion and occupation of Philippines 1942 Pointer at map of Corregidor showing American positions & mission of each Japanese unit. 16:12:53 Sunken ship in bay; pan of blasted trees, smoking ruins & wrecked US camps & observation pillboxes. Interior looking out slit opening. Large gun. 16:13:51 Map w/ pointer. 16:14:09 Pan over hillside & watch tower or ??. Farmer (?) under tree. 16:14:46 Japanese intertitles. 16:14:51 White flags from windows. Map. Surrender conference Generals Wainwright, Beebe & Gen. Homma meeting on porch; swat at flies. Japanese off porch followed by US officers; US flag lowered. Intertitle. Japanese troops land on island, climb bank & marching up road. Brief shots: Americans talking, walking single file intercut w/ Jap. troops marching along coast w/ field packs. Victory Banzais & raise Japanese flag - general shots island, damaged buildings etc. Japanese soldiers lower US flag onto ground. 16:18:16 Japanese titles. 16:18:41 Pan of island. Map. Destroyed vegetation & buildings; cu concrete rubble. Destroyed electric lines, fallen trees. Collapsed buildings. Warehouse of tires. Pillbox observation post. Japanese dipping water from cistern, CU sign in English re tennis court rules. US soldiers pumping water by hand for Japanese to wash mess kits, etc. Americans slowly walking thru camp - more devastation shots of railroad or electric trolley; railroad yard. Map w/ animation. 16:21:46 Roads in valley & along coastline; floating ? in bay; pan of rebuilding & destruction. WWII Pacific; WW2 Japanese Victories; Propaganda; Documentary; 1940s; 1942; Philippine Islands; Death March; Fall of Corregidor; Note: Sound lags picture approx two seconds. No sync sound.

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