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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221327-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: Canada,USA
Location: Virginia,williamsburg
TC Begins: 08:32:38
TC Ends: 08:34:52
Duration: 00:02:14
Truman Honored With Canadians; Signs Aid Bill College of William And Mary ext. w/ Black in Revolutionary era dress opening gates & women on steps behind in Colonial formal dresses. President Truman & ?? walking ahead of others. High angle crowd seated outdoors. Truman talking w/ ?? in college robes as others including William MacKenzie King, stand in background on steps. Spectators stand & applaud (SOF) as man on dias receives honorary degree. Military VIPs standing in front row. 08:33:17 MS Canada’s Prime Minister William MacKenzie King receiving sash of honorary degree. Graduates seen. Swish pan to... 08:33:46 President Truman (in light suit) in office 03Apr48 signing Foreign Assistance Act of 1948 giving aid to Greece & Turkey and creating European Recovery Program (ERP or Marshall Plan) w/ European Cooperation Administration (ECA) to administer. Various Congressional VIPs surround him including Rep. Joe Martin. 08:33:57 Truman (in dark suit) signing another bill w/ VIPs watching, includes Edward Stettinius, Sec. Vandenberg others. 08:34:11 CU document signed. 08:34:13 Original group w/ Truman in light suit passing out pens from the signing. 08:34:28 Truman reads statement (low sound): “The Foreign Assistance Act is the best answer that this country can make in reply to the vicious and distorted misrepresentations of our efforts for peace which have been spread abroad by those who do not wish our efforts to succeed. This measure is America’s answer to the challenge facing the free world today.” Diplomacy; Honors; Post-WWII Aid; Rebuilding;