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UNRRA Cares For Europe

Reel Number: 221357-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1946

Country: Czechoslovakia


TC Begins: 22:12:09

TC Ends: 22:13:17

Duration: 00:01:08

UNRRA Cares For Europe People saying goodbyes from bus window; man & woman greeting; crying women greeting each other. Steam engine pulling freight cars along railroad tracks. Soldier patrolling train cars. 22:12:31 Men open car & check grain bags. US tractors pulling crate by chain w/ wreckage behind. Crate marked Chrysler Dodge Canada. Wooden crate of medicine for Czechoslovakia; penicillin, canned goods. 22:12:52 Window w/ UNRRA sign. Czech Ministry of Food distributing & taking coupons. Bags of coffee, packages of cocoa. Women at sewing machines. People giving out second hand clothing; woman holding child. Post-WWII Shortages; Relief Agency Workers; European Recovery; Medicine; Medical Goods; Aid; Post-WW2;

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