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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221340-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
Location: Benning,Ft,Georgia
TC Begins: 14:02:57
TC Ends: 14:04:21
Duration: 00:01:24
U.S. Army Masses Tanks In Intensive Battle ??? Tanks in multiple line moving across grassy field, three twin-engine planes over. Officers standing watching. MS tanks w/ twin machine guns past. Planes over laying smoke screen; men w/ machine guns on ground. 14:03:41 Tank thru house & tanks down road thru stream. Pushing over trees. POV from inside. Night and tanks past in front of flares; firing mortars on ground; flares bursting overhead. Military maneuvers; Pre-WWII Training; War Training; 1940; Pre-WW2;