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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221640-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1939
Country: Canada,England,United Kingdom
Location: Banff,Montreal,Ottawa,Quebec,Toronto
TC Begins: 15:47:40
TC Ends: 15:56:53
Duration: 00:09:13
The Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to Canada and the United States Castle Films - The News Parade 15:47:53 Open carriage & formal honor guard leaving Buckingham Palace past waving crowds w/ King, Queen & daughters; saying goodbye at station. Train pulls out. 15:48:25 King & Queen boarding 3-stack liner Empress of Australia; ship leaving harbor accompanied by British navy. 15:48:44 Docking at Quebec City, Canada w/ crowds watching from bluff. King & Queen off ship past Canadian Mounties followed by others in party in formal dress. Prime Minister MacKenzie King in formal uniform. 15:49:14 Receiving line past, greeting King & Queen (MCUs). Motorcade from above in Montreal; crowd in stadium waving. On Windsor Hotel balcony waving to crowd. 15:50:00 Ottawa Parliament Building; K & Q leaving & reviewing troops. Leave in closed car. 15:50:23 20May39 King’s official birthday & trooping of colors past King. Queen lays corner stone of new Canadian Supreme Court, people applause, shaking hands w/ stone mason & walk thru crowds waving. MCU King giving speech (MOS) 21May39 dedicating National War Memorial, Confederation Square. With Veterans. Leaving. 15:51:47 Riding in carriage around Toronto’s Woodbine race track; in Royal Box. Horses racing; royalty watching w/ binoculars; present trophy. 15:52:23 Open car at Banff Hotel; pose w/ MacKenzie King. Scenics. Indians on horseback w/ head-dresses. CUs & MCUs. 15:52:56 Vancouver, Canada past waving Japanese- Canadian girls. 15:53:11 Title: “Now, after having re-spanned the continent...visit the United States...” 15:53:19 Off train, greeted by Secretary of State Cordell Hull in Niagara. Greeted by President Roosevelt & Eleanor in Washington DC’s Union Station; crowd outside. Parade down Pennsylvania Avenue w/ cheering crowds. Queen & Eleanor Roosevelt. 15:54:12 Overhead shot in British Embassy garden w/ Ambassador Lindsey & wife. MS J. Pierpont Morgan. Talking w/ others. Overhead shot of King & Morgan sitting talking alone. Queen fanning herself while talking w/ others. 15:54:40 US Capitol from east; int. in reception line greeting Senators & Congressmen. 15:54:52 Visiting Mt. Vernon & laying wreath at George Washington’s tomb. FDR watches. Visit to Arlington Cemetery & wreath laying at Tomb of Unknown Soldier. 15:55:29 Naval ship, destroyer USS Warrington (DD-383) past w/ Statue of Liberty in background. Docked in lower Manhattan w/ skyscrapers behind; greeted by New York Governor Lehman & Mayor LaGuardia. Ride in open car thru New York City past cheering crowds lining streets. 15:56:21 King & Queen w/ Eleanor, FDR & his mother on porch at Hyde Park, New York. MCU Eleanor & King, FDR & Queen. The End. Anglo-American Diplomacy; British Royalty; Empire; Colonialism; 1939; Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; State Visit;