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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221729-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: England,France,Germany,United Kingdom
Location: Berlin Zoo Flak Tower,London,Munich,Strasbourg,wiesbaden
TC Begins: 17:38:54
TC Ends: 17:45:38
Duration: 00:06:44
Seated men, German (?) soldiers in front of civilian men - end of previous segment. 17:38:59 Title: Welt im Film - Hochbunker wird Krankenhaus (Berlin Air Raid Shelter ”Zoo Bunker” becomes Hospital). Exterior of Berlin’s Zoo flak tower / Zoo Bunker / Flakturm Tiergarten, large concrete multi-story building, pan over windows. Soldiers on roof & looking over Berlin. 17:39:39 CU sign: Robert Koch - Krankenhaus Abt. Zoo-Bunker... Zahn-Station. Pan to door in wall w/ mosaic & woman entering. 17:39:47 Int. of medical room; nurses hurry into elevator; operating room w/ nurses & doctor after operation. 17:40:10 Title: London - UNO: Abschluss Der Ersten Konferenz (First Conference Ends). 17:40:16 Men in front on podium shake hands, Allied members standing by desks on floor applaud. 17:40:20 Title: Munich: Sauberungsgesetz Unterzeichnet (Denazification Law passed) 17:40:27 high angle, pan over small room w/ delegates seated at tables on three sides, others seated facing. American flag hanging from far wall. MCU German ministers of Bayern, Württemberg-Baden, Hessen signing. 17:40:46 MCU Gen. Lt. Clay seated w/ another military officer & two civilians. MCU of others. Clay standing speaking (MOS), applause. Military officers leaving, shaking hands. 17:41:23 MCU Minister Schmidt at desk, speaks to camera (SOF, German) about law.: “possibility for Nazi collaborators to pay into a reconstruction fund”. 17:42:29 Title: Geborgene Schatze (Displaced masterpieces). 17:42:39 German woman & American (?) soldier unpack sculpture from crate; woman removes painting from many on shelf rack; woman restoring painting. Officer taking print or ?? from one of many folio boxes. MCU. 17:43:01 Ext. Museum in Wiesbaden. 17:43:04 Int. Masterpieces exhibited, men in front of painting; jeweled crucifix; Rembrandt oil painting; statue; people view bust of Nefretete installed behind glass, MCU. 17:43:45 Title: Bilder aus aller Welt (Worldwide news). 17:43:52 US Army helicopters over large factory chimney, MCU as one flies, man let down on rope onto tower. Swish pan to helicopter lifting man on winch aboard. Helicopter lifting from ground w/ eight or nine men on each pontoon, women waving goodbye. Aerial from above & again from ground. being picked up & sit on wings in flight. 5 World Records; 17:44:55 Pan across flying buttresses of Strasbourg Cathedral. Allied soldiers watching crates removed from damaged storage area & loaded on trucks by workers. Tilt down large crucifix on interior Cathedral wall to unpacking crates of leaded glass & stained glass windows to be replaced. 17:45:24 Two men hold up one; windows in place. 17:45:34 Boats in Gulf of Mexico (partial of next story). Post-WWII Germany Rebuilding; WW2 Aftermath; Nazi Stolen Art; Post-War Conferences; Germany; Allied Occupation; Art Treasures; Aviation Promotion; Nazi Civil Defense Facility;