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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221534-09
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: USA
Location: Detroit,Willow Run
TC Begins: 15:01:53
TC Ends: 15:12:05
Duration: 00:10:12
Women On The Warpath 15:02:25 Montage of factory exteriors w/ chimneys, steam, docks, ships. Willow Run large plant w/ llight traffic past. Tractor pulling wagons of parts past. 15:02:51 Int. w/ line of partially assembled B-24 bombers. Airplane motors & men working assembling, motors lowered in place, turrets. 15:03:16 MCU woman at typewriter, dissolve into uniform. WAC office, woman drilling w/ gas masks. WAVEs, woman wearing gas station attendant uniforms polishing & servicing car. Woman window shopping, golfing, in swimming suit by stream. Woman hanging out laundry in backyard of residential houses, 3 planes overhead & women look up. 15:04:32 Cars into plant parking lot, women out & into factory. CU woman wearing badge, time clock, locker. Assembly line. Man & woman at punch press; assembling plane wing. Woman looking at poster advertising for women in war effort. CU sign: War Manpower Commission, woman inside. Woman training at airplane motor, learning parts. Riveting class. CU of various fasteners. 15:06:27 Campus & women walking; in factory riveting. LS of airplanes on assembly line; woman w/ hydraulic lines. Woman operating overhead crane; jigsaw; cutting plexiglass. Forming for bubble of turret. Working on fuselage. 15:08:07 Plant cafeteria w/ chefs at serving line, women moving along & eating at tables. Training school library. Women working, installing wiring. Motors moved into place. Assembling motors. LS of planes. 15:09:33 Sections lowered into place & women attaching tail section onto fuselage. Planes moved w/ tractors onto flight line. 15:10:34 POV from crane over assembly line. POV from plane w/ B-24 in flight behind. Over desert & flying overhead. Various views & superimposed w/ women looking up; w/ American flag. The End. WWII USA Homefront; Americana Myths; Rosie The Riveter; 1940s; WW2 Working Women; Patriotism; Patriotic; Manufacturing Industry; Aviation;