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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220597-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London, Admiralty,Portland Harbor
TC Begins: 04:06:03
TC Ends: 04:12:59
Duration: 00:06:56
WWII - 1939, Winston Churchill - First Lord of the Admiralty; Battle Squadron Leaves Portland Winston Churchill leaves Admiralty buildings and walks towards camera. Lord Admiral Pound walking with stick enters Admiralty. Churchill out of car and into Admiralty. 04:07:36 British battle squadron leaving Portland Harbor. HMS Royal Sovereign going out to sea w/ signal flags flying, passing entrance to harbor, lighthouse in distance. Various shots line of battleships at sea. Flagship of the Second Battle Squadron leaving harbor, ships crew at stations. Aerial views ships including HMS Nelson at sea; HMS Rodney w/ Ark Royal in distance. Ships in line abreast - HMS Newcastle, HMS Nelson and HMS Rodney. WW2 British Navy;