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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300107
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1940
Country: England,France,Germany,United Kingdom
Location: Dunkirk
TC Begins: 01:00:10
TC Ends: 01:06:21
Duration: 00:06:11
WWII - 1940, German: Invasion And Taking Low Countries & Battle of Dunkirk Map of the Low Countries in grey, Germany in light grey & England & France in black. Animation of bomber routes to Essen, Dusseldorf from England; Koln & Koblenz from France w/ VO “The great battle for the encirclement of Flanders is ended. The danger of an invasion to Germany thru the Ruhr District is overcome.” 01:00:52 Low Angle / LA of twin-engine bomber flying overhead; int. & ext. bombs dropped on Dunkirk w/ explosions. Stukas in formation dive bomb Dunkirk, POV diving & pulling up. Air to air of plane & pilot. 01:01:55 POV dive-bombing shipping. German coastal anti-aircraft batteries fire at British ships off Dunkirk. Ships returning fire. British planes shot down & British pilot parachute descends. Firing continues. 01:03:26 Downed planes in sand & fields. POV past wrecked & burned out equipment lining road. Road sign: Dunkerque. Heavily damaged city smoking & in rubble. Destroyed equipment, ships in harbor & at dock burning. Ships sunk or partly sunk; large freighter beached. German soldiers pulling anti-aircraft gun in sand; other abandoned anit-aircratt guns, trucks, etc. Line of trucks placed by British to evacuate Dunkirk. 01:05:47 High Angle / HA many British, French and other POWs past camera smiling. WW2 Fighting; Destruction; 1940s; Prisoners of War; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.