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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300330
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1939,1930s
Country: Germany,Poland
Location: Warsaw
TC Begins: 01:00:09
TC Ends: 01:07:57
Duration: 00:07:48
Pre-WWII - 1939, Poland: German Military Advance & Repairing Bomb Damage. Polish POWs Animated map of German aerial attacks on Polish cities. German bomber formation overhead. Map. Bombing dates announced. 01:01:05 German soldiers into & examine bomb crater alongside damaged fuel storage tank. Pan ruins including Polish railway yards, twisted rails & destroyed equipment. Damaged & burned radio antenna, planes, vehicles & aircraft hangars. 01:03:56 German airmen rest, clean guns & set up camp outside Aeroklub-Bydgoski airport hanger. Drill, shave, cook, dig ditches. 01:04:55 Aerial of filled bomb craters & parked German aircraft. Men marching / drilling w/ rifles. 01:05:23 MCU sign (German) on wooden picket fence. 01:05:30 Aerial over undamaged rail yard & destroyed highway river bridges. Polish refugees sitting on riverbank; crossing in large rowboats, throw flowers at German troops. 01:06:35 German trucks & heavy artillery units advance on dusty road. Cavalry along river. Troops cleanng up debris & equipment stuck in sand & mud. 01:07:24 Map of German advance. German troops guard Polish civilian & military prisoners of war; marched along road. WW2; 1930s; POWs; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.