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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300323
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1940
Country: England,France,Germany,United Kingdom
Location: Avesnes,Chimay,Maubeuge
TC Begins: 01:00:02
TC Ends: 01:05:32
Duration: 00:05:30
WWII - 1940, Germany: Invasion of France w/ Fighting, May40 German Mercedes Benz military trucks past; half-track w/ artillery mounted crossing shallow river, up steep bank followed by horses pulling wagon; large artillery pulled across same stream. Column along dusty road, thru village. Tank column; viewed from inside tank. CU road sign: N 36 Chimay; Avesnes; Maubeuge. 01:01:00 Various artillery fired, LS & MCUs. Small artillery firing & Nazi infantry soldiers advance past WWI monument & village / city burning buildings & ruins. Destroyed French & British tanks on streets & fields. 01:02:43 German tanks, motorcyles & trucks passing thru village & bomb craters. 01:03:14 Aerials: German bombers, Stukas; line of bomb craters; destroyed allied planes & hangars on airstrip. 01:03:51 Interior of heavily damaged, roofless hanger w/ burned aircraft. Pan line of destroyed & burned aircraft on field w/ insignia. German bombers overhead & aerial view of road thru forest. Smoking city factories & rail yards w/ freight cars. 01:04:51 LS of rising smoke & bombers; fighters diving. CU aerial of German bombers; interior of cockpit. 01:05:27 Aerial: bomber dropping string of bombs WW2 France Invaded; Damage; German Propaganda; 1940s; Fighting; Battles; NOTE: Inside France near Belgium border. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.