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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250009-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1930s,1940
Country: Germany
Location: Berghof,Kehlsteinhaus,Königsee near Berchtesgaden
TC Begins: 17:55:11
TC Ends: 18:05:41
Duration: 00:10:30
WWII - 1940s, Germany: Eva Braun’s Home Movies Color Berghof terrace from below; view across valley from terrace, panning. 17:55:30 ELS Goebbels car around bend; Goebbels arrives and is greeted by Schaub; kisses Ilse Braun’s hand. Poses on terrace & chats with Ilse. 17:56:Interior: Hitler sitting, talking. Hitler by wooden rail fence looking over valley; Hitler stands w/ Nicolaus von Below. Sunset over mountains & rural scenics around Berghof. 17:58:01 Hitler speaks ??; Hitler w/ Brandt; group in wood R-L Frau Bormann, Brückner, Frau Morell & Theodor Morell; Hitler enters Berghof with Brandt. Scenics of valley w/ sun thru clouds. 17:58:47 Hitler in white dress uniform on terrace chatting w/ Wilhelm Brückner & Albert Forster; Hitler does jig / dance. Hitler walking w/ Himmler. Hitler w/ Gerhard Engel & Heinrich Himmler on terrace. 17:59:31 Arrival of group of men up steps past guards & into house. 17:59:43 Terrace, Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich and Karl Wolff w/ ?? looking at letters / papers. Scenics ; Hitler studies photograph w/ magnifying glass w/ Julius Schaub & Hermann Esser. 18:00:37 SS guards at Berghof entrance prepare for arrival of Count Ciano on 12Aug39. Ciano arrival, saluting entering house. 18:01:22 View down valley from terrace. Group on terrace includes Hewel, Wünsche, Albert Speer, Jakob / Jacob Werlin, Karl Brandt, Frau Morell, Frau Brandt, Frau Daranovski, Frau Bormann, Frau Speer, von Ribbentrop, Hoffmann, Wilhelm Brückner. Posing & sitting at tables w/ coffee or tea. CUs 18:02;35 Hitler in grey suit on terrace; walking down steps w/ Brückner, von Ribbentrop, Martin Bormann, Schmundt (behind) past convertible car. Hitler & von Ribbentrop walk to camera alone along path w/ wooden rail. 18:03:06 Hitler & von Ribbentrop enter room and sit in floral patterned armchairs. 18:03:19 Obersalzberg near Berchtesgaden w/ POV from car along mountain road to Kehlsteinhaus w/ snow covered alps beyond, thru tunnel. 18:04:02 Kehlsteinhaus / Eagle’s Nest stone & underground entrance tunnel. 18:04:06 Pan of people on terrace of Kehlsteinhaus across mountains on opposite side of valley. Pan w/ heavy snow. View of covered terrace. 18:05:02 Unid. location (prob. Eagle’s Nest): MCU Eva Braun w/ group of children (Easter 1938 ?) & Easter baskets. Nazis; Daily Life; Family; Families; Summer Vacations; Mountains; Bavarian Alps; Dictator; Fascist Military;Pre-WW2; 1930s; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of Braun film sold at per reel rate.