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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250009-07
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1930s,1940,1939
Country: Germany
Location: Berchtesgaden,Berghof,Kehlsteinhaus
TC Begins: 18:16:29
TC Ends: 18:30:42
Duration: 00:14:13
WWII - 1940s, Germany: Eva Braun’s Home Movies Color & B/W Braun family swimming and playing on a lakeshore on air mattresses, canoes, etc. 18:19:23 Man fishing from rowboat near shore; lake views. 18:19:48 MCU low angle of Wilhelm Bruckner in suit talking & pointing to camera. Waiter serving coffee at Berghof to Bruckner, Frau Bormann & Karl Brandt on terrace. Albert Forster speaks w/ Frau Bormann & Brandt; Forster & wife speak with Hitler, telescope on tripod in background. 18:20:29 LS Hitler walks w/ Brandt down driveway towards hairpin turn; along path & slowly talking. 18:21:02 Walter Hewel w/ Frau Bormann look at magazine. Very low angle of Wilhelm Brückner holding hands as though to choke; low CU Frau Daranovski. 18:21:25 MS Adolf Speer reading magazine on terrace rail. 18:21:36 Brandt, Speer, von Ribbentrop and Hewel sunning, talking on terrace. Hitler, shielding eyes, out of Berghof onto terrace w/ Max Amann. Hitler back into house. 18:22:19 View of valley; Hitler & Rudolf Schmundt walk in front of ?? house. 18:22:38 Wilhelm Bruckner as though choking & going to push 2 adjutants off terrace rail. 18:22:48 Frau Brandt & Frau Speer in CU; scenics. 18:23:24 B/W General & woman at Kehlsteinhaus / Eagle’s Nest. Child. CU VIP men on terrace w/ flowers & drinks; woman w/ still camera. Other man goofing for camera, pretends to lose balance on railing. W/ woman & young children. 18:26:06 Man on lakeshore ? Forster . Men & women in water w/ air mattress; play w/ kitten. 18:27:15 Interior, Berghof Hall, Hitler speaks w/ ???. MCU von Ribbentrop. 18:27:43 Color. Easter, 1939. Kehlsteinhaus Terrace, children w/ Frau Bormann in sun. Children play in snow. 18:28:33 Children on entrance driveway, Berghof. Children w/ Fraulein Stork in greenhouse, Eva Braun, Fraülein Stork, Frau Bormann, Frau Morrell, Ilse Braun & children picking greens. Men w/ bonnets on terrace. Hitler laying on lounge on terrace in sun. Nazis; Daily Life; Family; Families; Summer Vacations; Mountains; Bavarian Alps; Dictator; Fascist Military; Pre-WW2; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of Braun film sold at per reel rate. Good color & action.